Storm Archives
Xavier University Tropical Storm Zeta Update
Dear Xavierites,
Thank you for your patience as our partners at Entergy work to restore power to those impacted within our residential community. We are pleased to share that electricity is on in the Living Learning Center and the team from Entergy are continuing to work on power for dePorres. Keep your fingers crossed and let's hope that they find success this evening. The University Center will remain open until 9:30pm with the last shuttle leaving for UNO and the Hilton at 9pm.
Due to the continued impact of Hurricane Zeta , several campus services have been modified for October 30, 2020. Be advised that hours of operations and services provided are subject to change pending the ability of essential staff to safely navigate city streets.
- The main dining hall will operate on a regular schedule.
- Retail locations in the University Center operate on a normal schedule.
Shuttle Service
- The shuttle service will operate on a MWF schedule beginning at 9am.
Commuters impacted by the storm without electricity and students at Privateer Place without a meal plan are invited to dine in the main dining hall on Friday, October 30, for free, simply sign in at the cashier. We want you to have a safe, fun Halloween! Remember to wear your masks, wash your hands and practice social distancing. And for the astronomers among us, if you step outside and look up at the moon, the red dot above it is Mars! Science is cool!! Take good care and stay safe.
Xavier University Tropical Storm Zeta Update
Dear Xavierites,
Due to the impact from Hurricane Zeta, classes are cancelled tomorrow, Friday, October 30, 2020, to allow a recovery day.
Classes will resume on Monday, November 2, 2020.
Anyone experiencing special circumstances as a result of Hurricane Zeta should contact their supervisor or advisor and instructors.
Please take care and remain safe.
Xavier University Tropical Storm Zeta Update
Dear Xavierites,
Due to impacts from Hurricane Zeta, Xavier University evening classes are cancelled today Thursday, October 29, 2020.
A decision will be announced this evening regarding Friday’s operations and the mode of instruction for how classes will be conducted. Anyone experiencing special circumstances as a result of Hurricane Zeta should contact their supervisor or advisor and instructors.
Continue to monitor local news outlets for updates in real-time in addition to visiting the homepage, your XULA email, the XULA Safe app, and @XULA1925 social media accounts for official information. For any on-campus emergencies, contact Campus Police at (504) 520-7490. In case of an off-campus emergency, call 911 or the city’s emergency hotline at 311.
Xavier University Tropical Storm Zeta Update
Dear Xavierites,We wanted to provide you with updates regarding the campus and city power restoration plans from outages related to Hurricane Zeta. According to Entergy, as of 9am this morning, over 400,000 residents were without power. The power company has dispatched teams to various communities and are aggressively working to restore electricity for all impacted residents. Medical facilities and matters of public safety, of course receive top priority: however we have impressed upon them the urgency of restoring electricity to our residential communities that remain without power. While they cannot give us an exact timeline, we have been told that we are a priority and they will be working on campus as soon as possible.
In the meantime, we invite you to come to the University Center where you can access meeting rooms, electrical outlets to charge your devices or take advantage of brunch or dinner in the dining hall. For students living at Privateer Place without a meal plan and commuter students, who are impacted by the power outage, your meals will be covered in the Main Dining Hall. We are exploring every possible solution to support students who are impacted by this power outage and appreciate your patience as we work with the city and state to get the electricity restored to our community.
If you are looking for something to do, stop by Gumbo Garden from 3pm-5pm and take part in a garden beautification project. You might also want to check out a virtual movie night at 6pm.
Movie Night:
The Netflix movie-Vampires vs. The Bronx
Topic: Vampires vs. The Bronx
Time: Oct 29, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 963 9542 1539
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Meeting ID: 963 9542 1539
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Checkout these online resources for other things to do!
Academic Resources:
- Library Resources
Social Justice and Inclusion:
- Game Face : A Netflix Documentary which explores the experiences of two LGBT athletes. Originally shown during XULA Pride Week on campus.
- Game Face- Q&A with one of the athletes featured.
- Campus Conversation on Social Justice - Panel hosted by the Office of Inclusion and Social Justice.
Campus Ministry:
- Mass and Rites of Passage- August 2020
Voter Engagement:
- Cooking with Curtis- Dining and Democracy featuring Tia Alexander'21 and Anthony Turner, voice instructor at NYU and Wagner College
- Cooking with Curtis- Dining and Democracy featuring Dominic Scott' 21 and VP Keyana Scales
- Cooking with Curtis- Dining and Democracy featuring Kaelyn Hiton'21 and Dr. Angel Bettis'01
- Cooking with Curtis- Dining and Democracy featuring Coach AJ Williams'08, Makye Richard'21, and Yaa'Ann Agyeman-Yeboah'23
- XULA GOLD YouTube Channel
Health and Wellness:
- XULA Fitness Center At Home Workouts
- XULA Center of Health and Wellness YouTube Channel
- Meditation Resources
- Introduction to Kemetic Yoga
Leadership Development:
- SGA Leadership Retreat
- Day 1-Leadership summit day 1
- Day2-Leadership Summit Day 2
We know this is a stressful time and please remember that the Counseling Services staff is here to support your mental and emotional health. Counseling Services are voluntary and free of charge to currently enrolled students. Counseling Services offers individual, couples, and group counseling. There are 4 groups being offered for the Fall 2020 semester: conflict resolution, anxiety management, grief/loss, and a process group for our LGBTQIA+ identified students. If you are interested in making an appointment, please call 504-520-7315. Counseling sessions are predominately being held virtually (via Zoom or over the phone) for all students in the State of Louisiana. If you are a student residing outside of Louisiana, Counseling Services can assist by finding a local mental health provider for you.
Take good care and stay safe.
Campus Services Updated for Oct. 29, 2020; Classes resume at 5pm
Due to the impact of Hurricane Zeta, several campus services has been modified for October 29, 2020. Classes will resume at 5pm. Be advised that hours of operations and services provided are subject to change pending the ability of essential staff to safely navigate city streets.
The main dining hall will operate on a Brunch schedule.
All dining retail locations will be closed.
Shuttle Service
The shuttle service will operate on a weekend schedule.
Evening classes will resume at 5pm.
Stay tuned for a listing of online opportunities. Take good care and stay safe.
Xavier University Tropical Storm Zeta Update
Dear Xavierites,
Due to impacts from Hurricane Zeta, Xavier University daytime classes are cancelled tomorrow, Thursday, October 29, 2020.
Evening classes will resume as scheduled unless otherwise notified.
Essential staff should report to work. Non-essential staff are to remain working remotely.
Anyone experiencing special circumstances as a result of Hurricane Zeta should contact their supervisor or advisor and instructors.
Xavier University Tropical Storm Zeta Update
Hurricane Zeta is now a Category 1 hurricane and is expected to make landfall as a Category 2 hurricane at approximately 4 p.m. today. As expected, Zeta is a fast-moving storm. The projected impact of this storm locally will be heavy rainfall, strong winds, power outages and street flooding. As previously stated, remote instruction and work will be implemented today, Wednesday, October 28. Students and employees should shelter in place. Only essential staff will be allowed on campus and all nonessential staff must leave campus by 12 p.m. today. Campus police will begin a sweep of all buildings at that time.
Please stay off of the roads during the storm, and be sure to charge all electronic devices. The campus has been safeguarded in preparation for the storm. In order to keep our campus community safe we will continue to monitor weather conditions. An announcement regarding Thursday, October 29 will be sent out later today.
Continue to monitor local news outlets for updates in real-time in addition to visiting the homepage, your XULA email, the XULA Safe app, and @XULA1925 social media accounts for official information. For any on-campus emergencies, contact Campus Police at (504) 520-7490. In case of an off-campus emergency, call 911 or the city’s emergency hotline at 311. Click here to view our Weather Preparedness page and monitor for local updates.
Xavier University Tropical Storm Zeta Update
Tropical Storm Zeta is expected to upgrade to a Category 1 hurricane. The storm is still projected to make landfall in southeast Louisiana Wednesday evening. Metro New Orleans is currently under a hurricane warning. We are expecting several inches of rain and wind starting today through Thursday morning, as well as moderate street flooding in the area.
Remote instruction and work will be implemented on Wednesday, October 28. Students and employees should shelter in place and only essential staff should report to campus. A decision will be announced tomorrow afternoon regarding Thursday’s operations and the mode of instruction for how classes will be conducted. Students should also monitor their XULA email account for details on housing, shuttle service as well as library and dining services.
The University has made preparations to safeguard the campus during Zeta. Out of an abundance of caution, campus parking restrictions will be lifted today at 6 p.m. Be vigilant and avoid standing water when driving, biking or walking. Remember to move vehicles to higher ground if necessary and avoid areas that are prone to flooding:
- Drexel Drive between Telemachus and Clark St.
- Pine Street between Drexel Drive and Howard Ave.
- The I-10 underpass and the I-10 entrance, both on South Carrollton Ave.
- The Art Village, especially the Pine & Edinburgh Street area.
Continue to monitor local news outlets for updates in addition to visiting the homepage, your XULA email, the XULA Safe app, and @XULA1925 social media accounts for official information. For any on-campus emergencies, contact Campus Police at (504) 520-7490. In case of an off-campus emergency, call 911 or the city’s emergency hotline at 311. Click here to view our Weather Preparedness page and monitor for local updates.
Xavier University Tropical Storm Zeta Update
Xavier University is monitoring Tropical Storm Zeta. According to the National Weather Service, Zeta is expected to move over the southern Gulf of Mexico Tuesday and approach the Gulf Coast Wednesday. The storm is expected to become a Category 1 Hurricane later today. Rainfall will be possible starting Tuesday, well in advance of expected landfall. There are no watches, warnings, or advisories in effect for the local area at this time.
Xavier's first priority is the safety of our campus community. Please continue to monitor email, the XULA Safe APP, and weather forecasts. You can also visit for the latest on Tropical Storm Zeta and to review preparedness tips and our emergency plan.
Xavier University Hurricane Delta Update
Based on the latest weather forecasts from top national weather services. Delta is presently predicted to make landfall even farther west of the city of New Orleans. The forecast track is still showing Hurricane Delta moving over the central Gulf today and making landfall Friday afternoon or Friday night in southwest Louisiana.
Campus will remain open and follow normal schedule tomorrow, Friday, October 9, 2020.
While we are outside of the direct storm impact area, a Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for metro New Orleans and most of southeast LA. It is possible for us to receive Tropical Storm force winds (39+) in the New Orleans area. We may experience rainfall of less than four inches in the local area for the duration of the storm.
The storm surge could result in coastal flooding for areas outside of levee protection as early as Thursday night. Xavier University’s campus is within levee protection.
Out of an abundance of caution, campus parking restrictions will be lifted today at 6 p.m. Be vigilant and avoid standing water when driving, biking or walking. Remember to move vehicles to higher ground if necessary and avoid areas that are prone to flooding:
- Drexel Drive between Telemachus and Clark St.
- Pine Street between Drexel Drive and Howard Ave.
- The I-10 underpass and the I-10 entrance, both on S. Carrollton Ave.
- The Art Village, especially the Pine & Edinburgh Street area.
We are continuing to monitor Hurricane Delta and we are actively coordinating with local and state officials, the office of emergency management, and our peer institutions closely to determine our course of action. If necessary, we will make adjustments based on the best available weather predictions and the best interest of our student's safety and success in mind.
Continue to monitor local news outlets for updates in addition to visiting the homepage, your XULA email, the XULA Safe app, and @XULA1925 social media accounts for official information. For any on-campus emergencies, contact Campus Police at (504) 520-7490. In case of an off-campus emergency, call 911 or the city’s emergency hotline at 311. Click here to view our Weather Preparedness page and monitor for local updates.
Xavier University Hurricane Delta Update
Xavier's first concern is the safety of our students, faculty and staff. We continue to monitor Hurricane Delta and we are actively coordinating with local and state officials, the office of emergency management, and our peer institutions closely to determine our course of action.
In the weather events of this week, we are receiving the latest updates from top national weather services that are presently predicting landfall far west of the city of New Orleans. At this time we are not expected to experience hurricane-force winds but may experience rainfall of less than 4 inches in the local area for the duration of the storm.
With these latest predictions in mind, we are continuing our scheduled instruction modes unless weather predictions change. We are preparing our facilities and staging supplies.
During each storm event we take into consideration the storm path and the projected impact in the local area. Foremost is the academic success of students.
We value the effort and commitment that everyone invests in their Xavier education with a history of exceptional academic performance. Thus, we endeavor not to unnecessarily deprive our students of valuable classroom, lab, studio, and ensemble classes where the benefits of face-to-face instruction matter.
We are continuing to monitor the situation closely and consulting local and national authorities. We will make adjustments if needed based on the best available weather predictions and the best interest of our student's safety and success in mind.
For more information visit, monitor XULA Safe App and Xavier emails for the latest information.
Xavier University is Monitoring Hurricane Delta
Xavier University is monitoring Hurricane Delta. According to the National Weather Service, Delta is currently a category 4 hurricane. Wind shear and cooler waters are expected to weaken the storm prior to projected landfall late Friday to early Saturday morning.
We will continue to monitor the storm projections and coordinate with state and local officials as we continue preparations to safeguard the Xavier community.
Additional information will be sent as it becomes available. Check the University homepage, monitor your XULA email, the XULA Safe App, and weather forecasts for official information.
Visit for the latest on Hurricane Delta and to review preparedness tips and our emergency plan.
Hurricane Sally Shifted East, Campus Reopens Tomorrow, 9/16/20
Hurricane Sally has shifted east and is projected to make landfall late tonight or early tomorrow at the Mississippi/Alabama state line. The Hurricane and Tropical Storm Warnings for metro New Orleans have been discontinued. The Flash Flood Watch previously in effect has also been cancelled.
Campus operations will proceed as normally scheduled Wednesday, September 16, 2020.
Xavier will continue to monitor possible local impacts and community members are discouraged from traveling through storm impacted areas until conditions improve. Faculty and staff should contact their respective supervisors to make arrangements to accommodate any individual situations as a result of Hurricane Sally.
Please continue to monitor and @XULA1925 for all updates. We also encourage you to monitor local weather forecast for the latest storm information and real-time updates. You can also track the storm here.
Let us join together in prayer for the safety of our neighbors to the east in the direct path of the storm.
Hurricane Laura Update - Thursday, August 27, 2020
Hurricane Laura made landfall 250 miles west of New Orleans as predicted. New Orleans may experience outer bands of rain and windy conditions throughout the day today, Thursday, August 27, 2020.
Campus operations will proceed as normally scheduled Thursday, August 27, 2020.
Xavier is continuing to monitor possible local impacts. Following a site visit of campus, no impact is noted.
Community members are discouraged from traveling through the storm impacted areas until conditions improve.
Faculty and staff should contact their respective supervisors to make arrangements to accommodate any individual situations as a result of Hurricane Laura.
Please continue to monitor and @XULA1925 for all updates. We also encourage you to monitor your local weather forecast for the latest storm information and real-time updates. You can also track the storm here. The university's emergency plan is available here.
Let us join together in prayer for the safety of our neighbors to the west in the direct path of the storm.
Hurricane Laura Update: Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Hurricane Laura is not projected to make landfall in New Orleans. Landfall is predicted west of the city near the Texas-Louisiana border. New Orleans may begin to experience outer bands of rain, tropical force winds, and tornadoes overnight Wednesday, August 26, 2020 through tomorrow Thursday, August 27, 2020.
Campus operations will proceed as normally scheduled Thursday, August 27, 2020. Xavier is continuing to monitor the storm and possible impacts. We will announce any indicated changes to campus operation plans before the start of the academic day tomorrow.
Please review the university’s emergency plan here. Students are encouraged to return to their on or off campus housing following the close of their last scheduled class session today and remain there for the duration of the evening.
Students who evacuated earlier this week and have not returned to campus or New Orleans are discouraged from traveling and may contact their faculty and advisors to make arrangements to accommodate their individual situations.
Please continue to monitor and @XULA1925 for all updates. We also encourage you to monitor your local weather forecasts for the latest storm information and real-time updates. You can also track the storm here.
Let us join together in prayer for the safety of our neighbors to the west in the direct path of the storm.
Hurricane Laura Updates
Hurricane Laura is not projected to make landfall in New Orleans. Laura is projected to make landfall in southwest Louisiana at the Texas border and travel north. Xavier will continue monitoring the storm and will respond according to the university’s emergency plan. It is available here for review.
Potential storm impacts locally include outer rain bands, windy conditions and the possibility of street flooding.
Students who evacuated earlier this week and have not returned to campus or New Orleans at this time are discouraged from travelling and may contact their faculty and advisors to make arrangements for face to face instruction.
Please continue to monitor and @XULA1925 for all updates. We also encourage you to monitor your local weather forecasts for the latest storm information and real-time updates. You can also track the storm here.
Xavier will resume In Person Classes and Regular Business Operations
On Wednesday, August 26, 2020, Xavier University will resume all regular business operations and in person classes as scheduled.
The university will continue to monitor the weather and will send out additional information as warranted.
Remote Instruction and Telework Update
Xavier University is monitoring Hurricane Laura. Please continue to monitor your XULA email, the XULA Safe app, and @XULA1925 social media accounts for additional information being announced this afternoon.
Weather Alert: Remote Instruction and Work
Xavier University is monitoring Tropical Storms Laura and Marco. The greatest projected impact of the storms locally will be heavy rainfall, moderate winds, and street flooding starting Monday, August 24, 2020. Xavier has begun preparations to ready and safeguard the campus.
Remote instruction and work will be implemented on Monday, August 24, 2020. Additional information regarding instructional modes on subsequent days will be announced as the situation unfolds.
Continue to monitor local news outlets for updates in addition to visiting the homepage, your XULA email, the XULA Safe app, and @XULA1925 social media accounts for official information. For any on campus emergencies, contact Campus Police at 520-7490. Call 911 or the city’s emergency hotline at 311 in case of an off-campus emergency.
Please note the streets listed below are particularly prone to flooding:
- Drexel Drive between Telemachus and Clark St.
- Pine Street between Drexel Drive and Howard Ave.
- The I-10 underpass and the I-10 entrance both on South Carrollton Ave.
- The Art Village, especially the Pine & Edinburgh Street area.
Weather Alert
Xavier University is monitoring Tropical Storm Laura and Tropical Depression Marco. Although the National Weather Service has not projected an official track, it would appear the greatest impact of this storm locally will be the potential for heavy rainfall, moderate winds, and street flooding Monday, August 24 - through Friday, August 28, 2020. We will continue monitoring the situation and will send out additional information as warranted. Please continue to check the University homepage and your XULA email for official information over the weekend.
Public Safety Informational Notification
Xavier Campus is Open
The Xavier University of Louisiana campus reopened this morning at 8:00 a.m. All classes and events will take place as scheduled. Welcome back.
Xavier Closure
Due to the heavy rainfall, moderate winds, and street flooding expected due to the approach of
Tropical Storm Barry, Xavier University will remain closed through Sunday, July 14, 2019. All classes and Other activities have been canceled. Only essential personnel should remain on or report to
campus. Faculty, staff, and non-residential students should remain off campus.
The University has staged food, water, and other supplies for residential students. Residential students are
encouraged to refrain from traveling through flood-prone areas. In order to best safeguard you
and the entire community, students are asked to report their departures from campus to their
Residence Hall staff.
XULA administrators have safeguarded the campus and will remain vigilant in protecting our
community. The University has staged food, water, and other supplies for residential students.
Academic Affairs has a plan in place to address missed instructional time. Students should check
directly with faculty regarding coursework.
Please continue to monitor the homepage, check your XULA email, XULA Safe
App and text messages for official information.
As we prepare for this weather event, let us pray for each other’s safety and join together to insure
XULA, its’ students, faculty, staff, and the entire community is well prepared and protected from
this storm. Please feel free to update your loved ones by sharing this message with them.
Due to inclement weather, there is standing water in various locations around the city. XUPD is in coordination with NOPD to barricade streets with standing water.
Xavier University remains open at this time, all classes and other scheduled activities will occur as planned.
Campus Police will allow cars to park in Lot C (corner of So. Carrollton Ave. and Drexel Drive) and Lot P (corner of S. Genois St. and Drexel Drive) effective immediately until 6:30 a.m. tomorrow, Friday, April 5, 2019. XUPD ticketing will be suspended during this time period. Please note those streets around the University that are particularly prone to flooding:
· Drexel Drive between Telemachus and Clark St.
· Pine Street between Drexel Drive and Howard Ave.
· The I-10 underpass and the I-10 entrance, both on South Carrollton Ave.
· The Art Village, especially the Pine & Edinburgh Street area.
For on-campus emergencies contact Campus Police at 520-7490. In case of an off-campus emergency, call 911 or the city’s emergency hotline at 311.
Please continue to monitor the homepage and check your XULA email, XULA Safe app, and @XULA1925 social media accounts for official information.
Vandalism and Vehicle Break-Ins of Vehicles Parked Adjacent to Convocation Center
For the protection and safety of Xavier University students, faculty, staff and neighbors, the Department of Public Safety releases the following informational notice:
The Xavier University Police Department (XUPD) is actively investigating six on-campus vandalism and vehicle break-ins that occurred last night, November 19, 2018, at 10:52 pm, along Short Street adjacent to the Convocation Center.
To enhance your safety and protect your personal belongings, we recommend taking the following steps:
- Use good judgment to park your vehicle in a well-lit, highly-traveled area you are familiar with;
- Store valuable items in secure places where they are out of plain sight;
- Remain vigilant to insure your protection and the protection of the entire community;
- Report all suspicious people, activity and behavior immediately to the XUPD at x7490 or NOPD at 911.
If anyone has any information regarding these incidents or others, or to anonymously report a concern, please contact the XUPD at (504) 520-7490 or call 911. Other non-emergency reporting and informational resources include the XULA SAFE Mobile Application or the City of New Orleans hotline (504) 821-2222.
To review the full list of our recommended safety strategies, visit
Campus safety continues to be our top priority, and as we move into the holiday season, criminality has increased statistically.
This information is issued for your safety in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act.
Criminal Incident Notification
LOCATION: St. Charles Ave. at Lowerline St.
DATE/TIME: 10/11/18 @ 8:50 p.m.
GIST: On Thursday, October 11, 2018, at approximately 8:50 P.M., two students were talking near their vehicles at the intersection of St. Charles Avenue and Lowerline Street. A black male in his early to mid-twenties approached from Lowerline Street and pointed a black handgun at them. The suspect demanded their cell phones, wallets, and the male victim’s headphones. The victims complied and the suspect fled on foot back toward Lowerline Street. A witness advised the victims that the suspect fled in an older model gray Chevrolet two-door sedan.
Suspect Description: The victims described the suspects as Black male, mid-twenties, approximately 6’2”, 190lbs, dark complexion, wearing basketball shorts, a dark-colored zip-up hooded sweatshirt, and a multi-colored towel over his head.
Descriptions provided by victim/witness. Information about the race or ethnicity of alleged offenders is provided only to aid detailed descriptions that include physical stature, clothing or unusual characteristics. Racial descriptions do not, by themselves, offer a meaningful picture of an individual's appearance.
If you have any information about these crimes, call XUPD at 504-520-7490 or NOPD at 504-821-2222.
1. BE AWARE of your surroundings at all times.
2. REPORT suspicious activity immediately.
3. BE A GOOD WITNESS. Describe exactly what you observe with as many details as possible. Give complete descriptions such as sex, race, height, weight, hair color, clothing, etc.
- Xavier University of Louisiana 10/23/2018
- Office of University Police
- Information Memorandum
- To: All Xavier Faculty, Staff and Students
- From: Chief Jacques S. Battiste
- Date: October 23, 2018
- Re: Costs Incurred for Parking Infractions Observed by the City of New Orleans and XUPD
- Good Morning Faculty/Staff/Student Xavierites:
Currently, the City of New Orleans Parking Enforcement is ticketing and immobilizing vehicles belonging to Xavier faculty, staff and students in specific areas.
We want to help you avoid violations and immobilization of vehicles you park on city streets and on university property throughout Xavier’s footprint.
Below are a few tips to provide better awareness to all involved and to decrease costs for street parking infractions, I am identifying particular areas and examples that will definitely result in parking infractions from the City of New Orleans.
Example 1: Parking on Drexel Drive between the Music Building and the NCF building:

Take notice of the sign on the telephone pole that states “No Parking Anytime” at the entrance to the NCF driveway. If you look at the second picture, there are two further signs with the same message all the way to Short Street. The City will ticket all cars parked between these three posted signs on Drexel Drive.
Example 2: Parking in the driveway at the University Center Buildings:

Take notice of the sign on the pole that states “No Parking Anytime” at the entrance to the University Center driveway. If you look at the picture above, the vehicle is parked on the left curb and there is a second sign posted at the other end of the driveway.
This is a university violation and the Xavier University Police will ticket and immobilize all cars parked there (24 hours a day) (Citation fee - $25 parking violation and $50 boot immobilization/removal fee.
Sitting in a vehicle on Short Street is considered being “parked” and is in violation as well.
Example 3: Parking on city corners at least 20 feet from the signed corners/intersections:

Parking within 20 feet of intersections, crosswalks or stop signs (City of New Orleans citation fee - $40) (towable)
Again, take notice of the distance the above vehicle is parked from a corner or intersection. City Code states that each vehicle must be twenty feet from an intersection/crosswalk/or stop sign.
Example 4: Parking/Stopping on Short Street (even if remaining in vehicle) where signs clearly state no stopping anytime:

Take notice of the sign on the poles that state “No Parking Anytime” all the way down Short Street. If you look at the picture above, the vehicle is parked on the right curb and there are signs clearly posted all the way to the roundabout. Sitting in a vehicle on Short Street is considered being “parked” and is in violation as well.
This is a university violation and the City of New Orleans/Xavier University Police will ticket/immobilize the vehicle for being in violation.
Example 5: Blocking the left lane of Drexel when exiting the campus at Short Street blocks a two-lane road for vehicles entering Drexel Drive from Short Street:

The City of New Orleans continues to recognize Drexel Drive as a TWO-LANE ROADWAY (vehicles legally travel in both directions)
This is both a city and university violation and the Xavier University Police/NOPD will ticket vehicles traveling in violation on the wrong side of the road.
Example 6: Parking in the University President's parking spaces (Clearly Marked Reserved) in the Dixon Gold Lot between St. Mike's and KD Residence Halls:

These spaces are considered 24/7/365 and the vehicle parked in violation will be ticket/immobilize the vehicle for being in violation.
CITY of New Orleans Parking 101
The Department of Public Works/Parking Division issues citations when parking regulations, outlined in the City of New Orleans Municipal Code, are violated. Avoid parking citations by referencing the list of frequently violated parking regulations below.
Common Parking Violations:
- Obstructing fire lanes (citation fee - $40)
- Parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant on either side (citation fee - $40)
- Parking within 20 feet of intersections, crosswalks or stop signs (citation fee - $40) (towable)
- Parking in bus or taxi cab zones (citation fee - $40)
- Parking at an expired meter (citation fee $30)
- Parking against the flow of traffic or on an angle (citation fee - $40)
- Parking in freight or loading zones (citation fee - $40)
- Parking for more than 10 minutes in passenger zones (citation fee - $40)
- Parking at meters covered with yellow bags for special events or at broken meters
- Parking within 3 feet of a driveway on either side, only upon a driveway owner’s request (citation fee - $40)
- Parking on a sidewalk, as defined in Section 146-531 of the City Code, even if it is adjacent to your own property (citation fee - $40)
- Parking within 50 feet of a railroad crossing
- Parking trailers, campers or 18-wheelers on residential streets (citation fee $500)
- Parking adjacent to a neutral ground (towable)
- Parking vehicles larger than 22 feet in length overnight in the Central Business District
- Parking within 18 inches of a marked or unmarked curb line
- Having 1 unpaid outstanding parking violation &/or traffic camera violation. Vehicles are eligible for booting
- Parking on a parade route 2 hours before the parade start time. Vehicles are eligible to be ticketed & towed by the DPW
- Parking in Residential Parking Permit Zones without a permit for more than 2 hours (citation $75)
- Parking on the neutral ground, playground or pedestrian mall (citation fee - $75)
- Parking adjacent to the neutral ground (citation fee - $40)
- Parking in the public right of way without a valid license plate
- Parking in the public right of way to display the vehicle is for sale
- Unlawfully parking in a handicapped zone without proper permit (citation fee - $500). Guidance on how to obtain a mobility-impaired hangtag is available here.
- Parking in a Residential Parking Permit zone without a proper permit (citation fee - $75)
- Towing fee (starts at $161.25, additional fees may apply)
* This is not a complete list of parking regulations. All regulations and restrictions are outlined in the City of New Orleans Municipal Code and can be accessed at
Contact Information
- To request Parking Enforcement call daily 24-hours (504) 658-8100
- For information on Residential Parking Permits, call Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm (504) 658-8200
- Information on Payments: Tickets/Tows call (504) 525-0088 Monday-Friday 8 am - 5 pm
- Auto Impound Service call (504) 658-8284 or (504) 658-8285 24-hours daily to confirm whether or not a vehicle has been impounded
- Information on Boots call 504-599-5652 daily 24-hours
- Information on Ticket/Tow Appeals hearings call (504) 658-8250 Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm
Remote Instruction and Telework Update
Remote instruction and telework will continue on Tuesday, August 25, 2020. Additional information regarding instructional modes on subsequent days will be announced as the situation continues to unfold.
While Tropical Storm Marco is no longer a threat to the Louisiana area, Xavier University is closely monitoring Tropical Storm Laura. The estimated impact locally will be heavy rainfall, moderate winds, and street flooding. Xavier has made preparations to ready and safeguard the campus.
Students, please monitor your XULA email for details on housing, shuttle, library and dining services.
Continue to monitor local news outlets for updates in addition to visiting the homepage, your XULA email, the XULA Safe app, and @XULA1925 social media accounts for official information. For any on campus emergencies, contact Campus Police at 520-7490. In case of an off-campus emergency, call 911 or the city’s emergency hotline at 311.