Faculty Development for Integrative Pedagogy and Assessment Practices
The College of Arts and Sciences' initiative for faculty development in the areas of integrative pedagogy and assessment practices offers support for faculty training in high-impact teaching and learning and in the assessment of such approaches. The initiative encompasses a number of experiences that will assist faculty in developing new courses and revising existing ones to incorporate interdisciplinary approaches, e-portfolios, writing intensive courses, and digital humanities projects that can serve as focal points in a new core curriculum. Preparation for faculty development of the new core includes activities to increase facility with assessing learning outcomes. This work is made possible by a generous grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- CCE Proposal Mellon Grant 2017-2019
- FAC Core Reports
- Core Course Proposal Sheet
- Core Curriculum Course Listing
- Transfer/Equivalency List for Core Curriculum
- Advising Checklist for Existing Students switching to XCORE
Podcast: A conversation with Kim Vaz-Deville of Xavier's College of Arts & Sciences on enhancing the core curriculum. More
To achieve the goal of increasing the depth and breadth of interdisciplinary course offerings, Xavier faculty will read, discuss, and utilize scholarship and infuse this knowledge into a core curriculum course in which two or more disciplines are represented and require assignments that synthesize and integrate key content.
To achieve the goal of equipping students to connect the core learning outcomes and those of their major(s), Xavier faculty will acquire skills in creating and evaluating e-portfolios through reading, discussing, and utilizing scholarship and infusing this knowledge to develop an e-portfolio structure for a core course.
- ePortfolio FAQ
To achieve the goal of greater focus on writing and rigor in the amount of writing required of students, Xavier faculty will create writing intensive assignments and courses. These will have an emphasis on writing and devote significant class time to the teaching and practice of writing. Faculty will read, discuss, and utilize scholarship about the expressive or the transaction model of “Writing across the Curriculum” and receive training in pedagogy that fosters “Writing to Learn” in entry-level courses and writing for their specific discipline in higher level courses.
To achieve the goal of incorporating projects in core courses that require students to use electronic methodologies to demonstrate what they know in applied and collaborative contexts, Xavier faculty will read, discuss, and utilize scholarship and travel to conferences, workshops and labs for training in the digital humanities. They will receive support for planning, implementing, and assessing a digitally-based project into a core curriculum course.
To achieve the goal of building faculty capacity in core curriculum assessment Xavier’s faculty will participate in assessment training and will implement assessment strategies into their core curriculum classes that reflect the newly adopted faculty-approved core learning outcomes.
Faculty Coordinators:
Dr. Jason S. Todd
Associate Professor of English E-Portfolios and Writing Intensive Courses