COVID-19 Positive Protocol Fall 2023
You have been informed that you are COVID-positive by Health Services, off-campus doctor’s office/lab, or home test. To ensure the health and safety of you and the Xavier community, the following protocol has been developed for your recovery.
Once the information is received, a letter will be forwarded to the Academic Dean and if applicable to Residential Life of your current health status (you will be copied on the emails).
- Your isolation period can range from 7-10 days (about 1 and a half weeks) based on the presence of symptoms.
- You will be placed in isolation on or off campus.
- A letter will be forwarded to the Academic Dean informing them that you will be missing class.
- If applicable to Residential Life of your current health status (you will be copied on the emails).
- During this period, telephone wellness checks will be conducted by the Counseling and Wellness staff.
- To be released from isolation a negative antigen test is required
- If you have reached day 7 of your isolation period and have been symptom free for 24 hours, then you will be eligible to repeat the COVID antigen test and possibly be released from isolation.
- Any changes to the isolation period will be at the discretion of the medical provider.
Off Campus Positive Test
- If you tested positive somewhere other than Health Services, please send your positive test results to
- Please include your 900# and contact information on your results.
- If you use a home test, please come into Health Services or go to and off campus medical provider for a confirmation test.
- If you live in one of the residential halls, you will be allowed to obtain your meals from the cafeteria. However, you will not be allowed to dine in. You must wear a mask and are to wash your hands prior to obtaining your food.
Roommates of a COVID Positive Student
- Are tested in Student Health Services during hours of operation or a test can be obtained at your local pharmacy or an urgent care.
- If the student (roommate) is negative, they will be moved to a temporary space.
- University shuttle services will be provided.