Dr. Laura D. Oliver is a new Assistant Professor of Performance Studies. She earned her Ph.D. from Louisiana State University. Oliver is also an award-winning performance artist, a published scholar, and a traveling guest speaker. Her research primarily focuses on Black Performance Methods, storytelling, spoken word poetry, African American theatre, Black feminism, and digital performance. Oliver is the creator of The Black Performer’s Toolbox.
Her latest projects that are in the publication process include:
"Nappy Queens, Performance, and Vlog-Like Things: Combing Through Layers of #BlackJoy" (a special issue digital performance for Liminalities)
"I Got Wants and Needs: Characterizing Blackness Onstage and Offstage for Black Student Performers" (a vignette for #BlackintheIvory)
and "Liberating Black Student Voices" (a book chapter for Perspectives on Communication).