From Harm to Healing
Summary: In celebration of Juneteenth, the Office of Inclusion & Social Justice will be hosting our second annual Juneteenth Justice Symposium. Each year, our symposium is an opportunity for the Xavier community and beyond to collectively engage in thoughtful reflection, intentional conversation, and courageous action. In light of recent events, our goal this year is to take a moment to honor the many lives lost due to various acts of senseless violence occurring across our nation. Most recently, our campus has seen firsthand the grief, trauma, and harm that can result from these unfortunate circumstances. With all of this in mind, our symposium theme this year will be “From Harm to Healing.” During our time together, we will discuss the history and presence of violence and harm in our communities, while asking critical questions about the systems that contribute to them. Subsequently, we will explore alternative methods for community healing and sustainability practices.
Some of the topics we will discuss include the following:
-Historical violence & the legacy of enslavement
-How violent practices are internalized and replicated
-The myth of “Black on Black crime” and pathology arguments
-Pathways toward community growth, uplift, and empowerment
-Alternative and holistic healing practices
Register in advance for this webinar: https://xula.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VFAv8UIxQ92j8Gq3_G-dkg