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Xavierites Continue to Excel: 874 Students Added to Dean's List

Xavierites Continue to Excel: 874 Students Added to Dean's List

Xavier University of Louisiana is proud to announce that 874 students from the College of Pharmacy and College of Arts and Sciences have been named to the Dean's List for their outstanding academic achievements during the Fall 2022 semester.

The Dean's List is a prestigious recognition of academic excellence, reserved for students who have earned a semester grade point average of 3.5 or higher. Xavier University of Louisiana is thrilled to have so many deserving students on the list, demonstrating their dedication to their studies and commitment to achieving their goals.

Xavier University of Louisiana is committed to providing their students with an exceptional educational experience, combining academic rigor with a supportive and inclusive community. The university is proud to recognize the hard work and dedication of its students on the Dean's List, and looks forward to their continued success in the years to come. Congratulations to all of the students who have earned this honor!

College of Pharmacy Dean's List PDF

College of Arts and Sciences Dean's List PDF

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