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Chapter 27 - ODS Grievance Procedures

ODS Concerns, Complaint and Appeal Procedures


If at any time a student feels that they have experienced discrimination as a result of their disability by any Xavier University of Louisiana staff, student, or faculty the student should contact the Title IX Coordinator, Human Resources or Chief Inclusion as described below:

  • Discrimination by student report to: Chief Inclusion Officer and Deputy Title IX Coordinator, University Center, Suite 208, 504-520-7229.
  • Discrimination by faculty or staff should report to: The Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, Xavier South Suite 410, 504-520-5281.
  • Please see Reporting a Student Concern / Filing a Formal Complaint @Xavier University of Louisiana ( for Student Complaint Procedures (both Formal & Informal Processes)


Clear communication between students who are registered for services with ODS, their service providers, faculty, and the ODS staff is vital to utilizing the ODS program effectively. Students are encouraged to communicate their concerns directly with the person(s) involved; however, if a resolution cannot be reached, ODS staff will assist students in advocating for their right to receive the accommodations that have been approved by ODS.

If the concern is related to a service provider (notetaker, proctor, interpreter, etc.):

  1. If the student is comfortable/able to meet with the service provider, the student is encouraged to meet with the service provider to discuss concerns directly with them. 
  2. If the student is not comfortable meeting with the service provider directly or the issue remains unresolved after meeting, the student should meet with their ODS Coordinator or the Coordinator/Program Manager of the provider service for assistance.

If the concern has not been resolved after the above steps, the student should submit it in writing providing the information listed below and request a meeting with the ODS Director. This needs to occur within 90 days of when the student first brought the concern to the attention of the service provider, ODS Coordinator or the Coordinator/Program manager. To schedule a meeting with the ODS Director, please call 504.520.7315. 

Please send an email to with the following information:

  • Date:
  • Your Name:
  • Course or Event Information:
  • What is the Nature of the Concern/Complaint?
  • Name(s) of Person(s) Involved (Service Provider, name of faculty member, student, etc.):
  • What do you suggest to resolve this issue? (in a meeting with the ODS Director your suggestion(s) will be discussed)

The ODS Director, or designee, will make a decision regarding the student’s concern/complaint within ten (10) business days. The Director’s decision will be in writing and will be sent to the student’s Xavier’s email.

If the student still feels the issue is not resolved, the student may file an appeal with the Associate Vice Provost, and Vice President of Student Affairs within ten (10) business days of the ODS Director’s determination. This is the final step – the Associate Vice Provost and Vice President of Student Affairs  decision is the university’s final decision on the matter and no additional internal appeals are available.

In order to appeal at this level, the student must provide the Associate Vice Provost and Vice President of Student Affairs with:

  1. New information that was not provided to the ODS Director, or
  2. Information that the student believes shows they were not provided with due process by the ODS Director.

The Associate Vice Provost and Vice President of Student Affairs will make a decision regarding the student’s concern/complaint within ten (10) business days. The Associate Vice Provost and Vice President of Student Affairs decision will be in writing and will be sent to the student’s Xavier email.


If the student has been denied an accommodation that they requested, and the student would like to appeal the denial:

All registered ODS students have the ability to submit additional documentation and ask for an additional review of their request. If a student is already receiving ODS approved accommodations the student may put in this additional request through their on-line ODS profile. If the student is not receiving other ODS approved accommodations the request for additional review of their documentation (or additional documentation) needs to be sent to

If the student would still like to appeal a denial of their accommodation request the student needs to submit their appeal within 90 days of the denial from ODS.

  1. The student should put in writing the reason for the appeal and include any additional information regarding a disability-related need/impact for the accommodation. Please send an email to
  2. Please call 504-520-7315 to request an appointment with the Director to discuss your appeal.
  3. During the discussion with the Director, or designee, the student should be prepared to explain why the denied accommodation is needed to address the current impacts of their disability at Xavier University (having received an accommodation from a previous institution or in the K-12 system is not in itself a sufficient explanation)

The ODS Director, or designee, will make a decision regarding the student’s appeal within seven (7) business days.  The Director’s decision will be in writing and will be sent to the student’s Xavier’s email.  If through the appeal process the accommodation is granted, it will be granted moving forward. Accommodations are not retroactive.

If the student still feels the issue is not resolved, the student may file an appeal with the Associate Vice Provost and, Vice President of Student Affairs within ten (10) business days of the ODS Director’s determination. This is the final step - the Associate Vice Provost and, Vice President of Student Affairs   decision is the university’s final decision on the matter and no additional internal appeals are available unless the student makes a complaint to EOA.

In order to appeal at this level, the student must provide the Associate Vice Provost and Vice President of Student Affairs:

  1. New information that was not provided to the ODS Director, or
  2. Information that the student believes shows they were not provided with due process by the ODS Director.
  3. This information needs to be e-mailed to

The Associate Vice Provost and, Dean of Students, will make a decision regarding the student’s appeal within seven (7) business days.  The Associate Vice Provost and, Vice President of Student Affairs  decision will be in writing and will be sent to the student’s Xavier email.  If through the appeal process the accommodation is granted, it will be granted moving forward. Accommodations are not retroactive.