Dual Degree Engineering Program
The Dual Degree Program in Engineering at Xavier University of Louisiana
- B.A. or B.S. degree with a major at Xavier University of Louisiana
- B.S. degree with an engineering major at a Partner Engineering School

Overview of the Program
The Xavier University Dual Degree Engineering Program is designed to give a solid academic background in the sciences and mathematics that are essential to persons who are interested in becoming engineers.
The main objective of the Dual Degree Engineering Program is to provide all students admitted to the program with the counseling, academic, and other support services that will maximize their opportunity for completion of the first three years of the program.
At Xavier, students take three years of basic science, mathematics, engineering, and liberal arts courses. When the three-year program is completed successfully, students transfer to an Engineering School of their choice to complete training in a specialized area of engineering. It is expected that students will, with normal course loads, be able to complete their undergraduate training in two years at the Engineering School.
Participating Schools
Xavier currently has agreements with the following Engineering Schools: Georgia Institute of Technology, Louisiana State University, North Carolina A&T State University, Notre-Dame University, Southern University at Baton Rouge, University of Detroit Mercy, University of New Orleans, and University of Wisconsin-Madison. Many more agreements are in working.

These agreements do not, however, preclude students from choosing and attending other Engineering Schools. Students in the Dual Degree Program should submit the application for a degree from Xavier at least one semester prior to their graduation from the Engineering school.
Advising, Support, and Cooperation
The Dual Degree Engineering Program director works closely with the departmental advisor for respective majors to create integrated academic schedules that best serve the students. The Dual Degree Engineering curriculum consists of a number of curriculum options. For more information about these options, students should consult with the Director of the Engineering Program.
Benefits of the program
The dual degree engineering program's greatest benefit is that it offers students the best of both worlds:
- At Xavier University of Louisiana, students enjoy small classes and personal attention from faculty, helping them to thrive in demanding science, mathematics, and general education courses. Their humanities foundation gives them strong critical thinking, problem-solving, writing, and communications skills.
- The program is flexible, allowing students to explore a variety of disciplines through coursework and to choose majors that reflect their interests.
- extra time to pursue other academic, athletic, or extracurricular interests.
- Opportunity to complete degrees in two diverse areas.