To create a truly equitable climate for female, particularly African-American female, STEM faculty at XULA, we will need to build awareness at all levels of leadership of the challenges (e.g., cultural barriers, micro-aggressions, implicit biases) faced by women and/or faculty of color, as well as specific, research-driven, intersectionally-informed approaches for interrupting oppressive systems and building equity. XULA STrIDES will build this key awareness through training provided by expert guest speakers and workshop facilitators. Trainings will include material focused on improving climate overall, as well as tools and processes related to recruitment, hiring, and promotion.
Specific training topics include:
- To ensure a strong pipeline of female candidates and candidates of color for faculty positions, XULA STrIDES will standardize and train departmental Search Committees to include pre-set position criteria and candidate rubrics. Topics will include not only discipline-specific merits and training, but demonstration of commitment to increasing diversity in all disciplines through education and opportunities for students. The outcome will reduce the potential for a “sliding scale” of required qualities for applicants and respect commitment towards educating a diverse population of future leaders in the field as a necessary component of advancing any discipline.
- A formalized Division Chair and Department Head Leadership training corresponding with the triennial chair elections will incorporate topics surrounding issues for women and faculty of color in higher education. This training will ensure chairs and heads are properly and fairly evaluating all faculty and supporting and overseeing the search committee efforts to create a more equitable faculty body.
- We will offer a series of campus-wide seminars throughout the year to increase awareness among faculty regarding challenges for faculty with intersectional identities and recognizing unconscious bias. These seminars will provide faculty the opportunity for self-reflection and help them become better colleagues, mentors, and evaluators.