The purpose of the Pharmacy Student Association at Xavier University College of Pharmacy is to promote the best interests of the pharmacy students; to encourage and assist in the integration and coordination of all pharmacy organizations; to promote the development of future leaders in pharmacy; to emphasize the rights and responsibilities of students within the body, and to serve as the voice and advocacy for the student body per the constitution and by-laws of the university.
PSA Constitution-add link: Here
Xavier College of Pharmacy Organizations:
- Pharmacy Student Association (PSA)
- P4 Class
- P3 Class
- P2 Class
- P1 Class
- APhA-ASP – American Pharmacist Association – ASP
- SNPhA – Student National Pharmaceutical Association
- LSHP - Louisiana Society of Health-System Pharmacists Officers
- SCCP – Student College of Clinical Pharmacist
- CPFI – Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International
- ASCP – American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
- Rho Chi Honor Society
- AMCP – Academy of Managed Care Pharmacists
- AAPP – American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists
- PLS (Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society)
- ACVP – American College of Veterinary Pharmacists
- IPhO – Industry Pharmacists Organization
- Kappa Epsilon Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc., Alpha Nu Chapter
- Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc., Delta Eta Chapter
- VIMS/Rx Peers