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Vanguard Interactive Mentoring Scholars (VIMS)


As a component of the Academic Enrichment Program (AEP), Vanguard Interactive Mentoring Scholars (VIMS) offers students the opportunity to be mentored by fellow Pharmacy students who have “been where you are.” VIMS mentors engage in meaningful discussions, offer a listening ear, and can be a sounding board in a nonjudgmental environment

VIMS is an online peer initiative designed to provide electronic support and guidance to P1 students as they navigate through their first year in pharmacy school.

  • VIMS is an online peer initiative designed to provide support and guidance to P1 students as they navigate through their first year in pharmacy school.
  • Efforts of engagement are made by upperclassmen via Facebook, Instagram, YouTube , Periscope, email and text messaging.
  • Dialogue occurring through an array of social media platforms and electronic sources are engaging as well as informative in an effort to help P1s “learn the ropes.”

Data Summary: Out of the 145 P1-students surveyed on VIMS, 94% of the students experienced positive engagements with the VIMS Online Mentoring Initiative.

Participate in a VIMS Mentor Group

Student Parent Group

  • VIMS mentors provides a unique support for first year pharmacy students, helping to balance school and parenting.

Professionalism and Leadership

  • This group provides training and professional skills development such as resume writing, interviewing skills, seeking internships, utilizing LinkedIn, communicating effectively with professors, tips on leadership building, networking, running for office inside COP and professional etiquette.

Pharmacy Student Hacks, Survival Strategies, Study Tips

  • VIMS mentors who have semi mastered the art of time and organization management as well as discovered student hacks and survival strategies help a P1’s journey through their first year.

Mental Health and Wellness

  • VIMS mentors bring awareness to the importance of being mentally and physically healthy.

Academic Support Study Guide Development

  • VIMS mentors who perceived themselves to be strong in a pharmacy course(s) and with a solid study regiment help with course content breakdown, study guide development and understanding professors' teaching styles.

Event Planning/Branding

  • VIMS mentors who are creative, have a niche for planning and organizing activities, and a creative eye for designing posters, flyers, as well as social media post, bring awareness to the VIMS Initiative through events and social media platforms.


Become a VIMS Mentor

Peer Benefits

  • Leadership Experience – As a VIMS mentor you will support your protégé(s) by encouraging them as well as challenging them, thus gaining real‐world skills and experience you can take with you as you begin your career. The pharmacy community (in general) associates mentoring with leadership.
  • Impact/Influence socialization – Student perceptions and attitudes play a significant role in establishing a college’s culture and climate; thus, by serving as a mentor, you will help to improve the interactions within the COP’s culture.
  • Intrinsic Benefit – Helping a P1 student(s) adjust by communicating your own personal experiences.

Professional Benefits

  • Resume Building – Whether your plan on applying for residencies or plan on directly entering the workforce after pharmacy school, having been part of a select group like VIMS will add significant strength to your application.
  • Service – The College emphasizes the importance of community service and employers also value records of service when considering future employees.

VIMS and Our Students

See all of the wonderful things our VIMS mentors and mentees are doing.

For more information on VIMS or to become a mentor, visitollege of Pharmacy Student Retention and Success Area (Room 206)